How different are ICL and Lasik procedures?

The eye is an essential organ for human existence and health due to its role as a visual organ. Because of our eyes, we can see the world around us and learn more about it. The eye’s ability to analyze the light that things reflect or emit allows us to perceive their forms, colors, and […]

One of the Best Cataract Removal Techniques is Phacoemulsification!

Charles Kelman developed phacoemulsification, the current method for removing cataracts, in 1967. With the advent of phacoemulsification, the medical community breathed a sigh of relief, which enabled the dissolution of a cataractous lens with an incision as tiny as two to three millimeters, with perfect visual outcomes. Phacoemulsification is still the best method for eliminating […]

How does Diabetes Influence the Retina?

One of the complications of diabetes that affects the retina, namely the entire concave part inside the eye, is known as diabetic retinopathy. This complication occurs after diabetes has developed over several years. Thus, the longer the duration of diabetes, the worse the glycemic control and the greater the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. How […]

How to take care of your eyes after Lasik eye surgery

Myopia affects many people globally. Using lenses like glasses or contacts is a common solution. Lenses and glasses have downsides. Young folks find spectacles uncool since they clash with their style. Young and old would benefit from a modern lens alternative. Myopes feel helpless in these situations. Before Lasik Surgery Before Lasik surgery, consult with […]

Cataracts in Children Everything You Need to Know

Cataracts form when the eye’s clear lens becomes cloudy. Pediatric cataracts affect youngsters. A cataract blocks retinal light. The retina provides crisp vision. Your child’s cataract may not affect their vision. Causes Birth cataracts can have many causes. Congenital cataracts affect newborns. “Acquired” cataracts develop after birth. Some of the reasons why kids get cataracts […]

How does Diabetes Influence the Retina?

One in four people with diabetes in India may develop diabetic retinopathy, making it the leading cause of blindness among adults. Diabetic retinopathy has become more common as the number of persons with diabetes has risen in recent years. What Effect Does Diabetes Have On The Eye’s Retina? To sense light, the eye relies on […]