What types of food are bad for your eyes?

The eyes are an essential organ. Recent studies reveal a surge in eye problems. Screen time and food are the main factors. Our lifestyle has changed throughout the covid outbreak. We rely more on screens and don’t exercise our eyes. Expert says diet affects vision. This post explains what foods to consume and avoid for […]

What are the 7 causes of blindness?

Age-related illness causes most blindness. There are seven primary causes of blindness. One of the most common kinds of sickness makes people go blind. Permanent blindness can occur for various reasons, from hereditary traits to acquired diseases. For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of seven health disorders that can cause blindness. Age-related macular degeneration […]

How Does Depression Affect Your Eyes?

There’s no need to explain what depression is. About 43 percent of Indians have or have had depression at some point in their lives, according to GOQii’s 2020 poll. Even though it’s labeled a mental illness, it has been shown to have harmful effects on several bodily functions. But what about your eyes when you’re […]

Myopia, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments

Myopia is among the several abnormalities of refraction that affect the eyes. Also called ‘near sightedness’ or ‘short-sightedness,’ it impairs the eyes’ capacity to view items located far off. With people participating in more or less sedentary lives and near-work most of the time, myopia has started increasing in its incidence and prevalence throughout the […]

Plantation of Trees in Ludhiana – Rana Hospital

Rana Hospital celebrated Basant Panchami by plantation of trees in nearby areas. Basant Panchami is one of the most vibrant festivals in India. It is celebrated in the beginning of Spring Season. Basant means spring & panchnama is the fifth day of lunar fortnight. Students of optometry in Rana Hospital worshipped Maa Saraswati and took […]

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetes is a disorder in which body does not process sugar properly in the body which leads to increase in the sugar in body. This excessive sugar leads to damage in the body.Eye is the most important organ affected by high sugar and this can lead to blindness. This blindness is totally preventable if treatment […]

What are the Ways to Maintain Good Eye Sight

These days there is lot of exposure to screens like mobile screen, LEDs, gaming console and computer screens etc. Exposure to screens will increase with days to come. High pressure jobs are also changing the way we sleep. In people who travel a lot, sleep patterns are also increasingly changing. There has to be some […]

How Do You Check Your Eyes At Home?

It is very common for patients coming to eye OPD after losing complete vision. Then it is difficult to regain the lost vision. So there are ways to check your eyes at home only. You need not go to an ophthalmologist for these tests. 1. While watching TV Close one eye and other eye. See […]

Visual Field Testing or Automated Perimetry

The test is very important for Glaucoma Evaluation and Monitoring. This is elaborate test to see the status of visual field of the person. Visual field is the peripheral vision of the patient. Where we check the patient for vision on snellen chart we evaluate the control vision. Central vision is last to be effected […]