Corona Virus and Your Eyes

Corona Virus has been found to affect eyes and it is a concern for both patients and Eye Doctors. It not only affects the eyes but they also act as a portal of entry for the virus.
Conjunctivitis: Virus can Cause red eye and is transmitted by aerosol and contact. The recent recommendations are to prevent touching eyes in addition to mouth and nose while caring for patients or potential patients.
The public should be wearing spectacles, goggles or eye shields to prevent aerosol getting in the eye and to prevent touching the eyes. The eye doctor (Ophthalmologist) should be treating the patient who has fever and respiratory symptoms with caution.
The virus is likely susceptible to the same alcohol and bleach based disinfectant that ophthalmologist commonly use to disinfect ophthalmic instruments and office furniture. Slit Lamp Breath Shields are helpful for protecting both healthcare worker and patients from respiratory illness.

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