What You Need To Know Before Lasik Surgery?
Are you experiencing a vision problem for a long time? Is your ophthalmologist suggesting you a LASIK eye surgery? Then you should get the surgery done at the earliest as it can help you regain back your original vision. To know about the surgery in detail follow this article as it contains necessary information about the same.
About the surgery
LASIK eye surgery is suggested to those who face minor or moderate vision problems and it is a fast process that does not hurt. The patient who is taking the surgery should be well aware of the procedure involved. It is also necessary to visit the Best Lasik Surgeon In India for the surgery as the eyes are concerned here.
Who should undergo a LASIK surgery?
There are many criteria that define whether a person should go for LASIK eye surgery or not. The foremost step is to visit a good eye hospital that has experienced doctors who can detect the problems in the eyes. He will go through the medical history of the patient and ask him necessary questions that will help him decide the requirement of the surgery.
Then the patient’s eyes shall be tested using different medical equipment and finally, the doctor shall decide whether LASIK surgery is required. If a person has not attained the age of 18 then he cannot undergo the surgery. There are also several degenerative eye diseases that restrict a patient from going through LASIK surgery. There are high chances of getting poor results if a patient does not qualify the criteria of the surgery.
What are the complications involved?
The most common complication involved in the surgery is reduced low light visions. However, LASIK complications tend to fade away with time and a patient can get back his original vision. Some people have also faced long-term complications of extremely poor eyesight but it is very rare.
Can one avoid specs with this surgery?
There are many people who have got rid of lenses with LASIK eye surgery but the number is very less. LASIK surgery improves vision and not corrects vision problems. Thus one may need to wear lens or glasses post the operation.
How much does this surgery cost?
The cost of the surgery depends on the hospital the patient is visiting and is totally variable. There is some good Lasik Hospital in Punjab that has got facilities for the operation and charges moderately.
Is the surgery covered by insurance?
There are many insurance companies that do not cover the surgery but the best ones have extended insurance plans for eye care. One should inquire with the insurance company well in advance before undergoing the surgery.
What is the recovery time for the surgery?
A patient needs to give rest to his eyes after the operation and avoid working in front of the computer for at least a few days. It is also advisable to consult the doctor before commencing work.
Is the surgery painful?
The LASIK surgery takes hardly a minute or two and does not hurt at all. An eye drop is used for making the eyes senseless before the surgery. Some patients are also given a mild sedative if they feel uneasiness during the procedure.
LASIK eye surgery is a great option for improving the quality of vision and should be done by a good eye surgeon.
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