How we Actually take Vision for Granted & Also, how Vision really occurs
Perhaps it’s only the blind who may really understand the significance of vision, because they yearn every single day to see what happens around them, witness the beauty of the environment among others.
Some of us who see take vision for granted in most cases, but if we take a moment to question how vision comes about and realize how we would be if we were blind, then we would gather a sense of the dynamics of the eye.
Have you ever wondered about the mechanism of the eyes, how you get to differentiate between cars, objects, words, judge or discern using the eyes, then let’s take a closer understanding about the human eye.
The Eye as a Camera
The eye is normally compared to the camera with the fact that they both function in the same way. Vision actually comes through a journey simply by looking at the object, light entering into the eye, focusing the light and then traveling to the brain to get the interpretation and then an action follows.
Like a camera with its own lens, a shutter, and a film, so does an eye, but described differently. The eye has two lenses (the cornea and the crystalline lens) which focus the light in the eye, the pupil will then regulate the amount of light that enters into the eye, and the retina, where the image is formed.
Depending on the time of the day, the eye modulates the light by decreasing the amount during the day and increasing it during the night.
Naturally, the light rays from an object and reach the eye, pass through the cornea and then to the lens where they are focused to form a clear image on the retina. With the help of the receptors, (cones and rods) convert the optical image into an electrical impulse which is carried by the optic nerve to the visual cortex (a part of the brain), where the impulse is perceived as an optical image.
Note: Eyes play a big role in visualization, but without the brain (visual cortex) everything is nothing and Eye Treatment in India may be the only option to correct vision.
Three-dimensional Vision
In the real sense, the image formed in the eye is inverted and also gets inverted again in the brain so that one may see an erect image. The image formed by each eye is two-dimensional. When the images formed in two eyes fuse at the brain location, Binocular vision is formed.
Binocular vision gives us a three-dimensional or a stereoscopic vision and it also increases our field of vision. The mechanism of image formation is a dynamic phenomenon that continuously occurs at a frequency of 60Hz, modifying the image at every time, thereby differentiating the distance, speed, and direction of the moving object accurately.
Color Vision
The Cones, which are the receptors in the retina facilitate in color differentiation. These cons normally have 3 types of pigments in humans, which are responsible for red, green, and blue colors and the other colors are perceived by stimulating the 3 different types of cones in different combinations. This is termed as tri-chromatic vision.
In case of color blindness or other vision disorders, Lasik Eye Surgery in India is an excellent option for correcting the existing vision disorders.
On the other hand, many women have four types of pigments in their cones, meaning that they are tetra-chromatic and this means that women have a higher sense of color discrimination. Perceiving color in the dark is hard because the rods are stimulated to facilitate vision in the dark, but they don’t contain any pigment.
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